The Connection Church
Welcome to the audio podcast of The Connection Church! Included are sermons by our lead pastor, TJ Hall, as well as others on our leadership teams and guest speakers. This podcast is a convenient way for you to catch up on a sermon that you missed, or to have another listen to be sure you got all that you need to grow in the grace, wisdom, and love of God in Jesus Christ. The Connection Church is a growing congregation meeting in the Northern Virginia area of Woodbridge. We are connecting with God, each other, and the community. Join us!
634 episodes
Stop & Listen (part 2)
Ready to learn the second prerequisite to hearing the voice of the Lord?This past Sunday we learned that when it comes to prayer we can’t just “put our time in.” It’s imperative that we come to God with a willing heart that is ope...
Stop & Listen (part 1)
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice…” (John 10:27). As a follower of Christ, hearing the voice of God should be a normal and expected reality. There is no simple formula to hearing God, but there are basic principles that each of us c...
Fruitfulness in the Valley
Enjoy this message for the new year from our friend and guest speaker, Peter Markgraaff.
Who Was and Is and Is to Come (part 3)
God was the coming Messiah in the Old Testament, our Savior and Redeemer today, and He will come again. The Lord will gloriously return one day. No matter your end-time beliefs, you should anticipate Him. But what does that mean for us? How sho...
Who Was and Is and Is to Come (part 2)
Why does it matter so much that God came to earth in the person of Jesus? When we dive into His character, we can see what God is like. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Join us as we look at the second part of our ser...
Who Was and Is and Is to Come (part 1)
The Bible is one big book of Advent. The word, Advent, has its roots in Latin and carries with it the meaning of “coming.” The story of the coming of Jesus doesn’t begin in the New Testament, and it doesn’t end with a baby in a manger...
A Model of Prayer (part 5)
“And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.” What did Jesus mean when He asked us to pray this? Find out as we finish our series on Jesus' model of prayer.
A Model of Prayer (part 4)
In the model prayer given to His disciples, Jesus asked them to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” He goes on to tell them to also pray, “and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” These prayers express our dependenc...
A Model of Prayer (part 3)
“Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” But what did Jesus really mean when He told us to pray for God’s kingdom to come and for His will to be done?
A Model of Prayer (part 2)
We continue examining the Lord’s Prayer which is a model of prayer given to us by Jesus Himself. As we look deeper into this wonderful example, we will see Jesus telling us what we must know to grow stronger in prayer.
A Model of Prayer (part 1)
Matthew 6:9-13 is one of the most popular passages in the New Testament. It contains a model of prayer Jesus gave His disciples as part of the Sermon on the Mount. It covers foundational basics that are expanded upon throughout Scripture, ...
The Authority of the Believer
From the beginning, God gave mankind authority over the earth. However, if we don’t know we have authority, we can’t take advantage of what is available. As a result, we live below God’s standard. Join us for a reminder of the au...
Leaving a Kingdom Legacy
Enjoy this special message from our guest speaker and friend, Mark Shell.
Protecting Who You Are
We are defined by who we are in Christ. God establishes this definition by who He is and what He has done for us. When we truly understand this, we know how to live the life God intends for us. Satan hates who we are in Christ so he declares wa...
Restoring Who You Are
In the beginning, mankind messed up and put separation between us and God. Then Jesus came, as fully God and fully man, to restore what was lost in Eden's Garden with His death on the cross and victorious-over-death resurrection. We can now hav...
The Value of Life
Too many people lack a proper view of life and, therefore, don’t value life the way they should. Scripture tells us in Psalm 139:14, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul kn...
Decisions for Godly Success (part 4)
Change is necessary for success. We all have a choice: to adjust how we live daily or to stay the same. Join us as we conclude this sermon series with our seventh and final decision for Godly success.
Decisions for Godly Success (part 3)
Everyone wants to have a successful life.Throughout the year we make daily choices that determine whether or not we are successful. Join us as we will continue to share the principles that will help us make decisions for Go...
Decisions for Godly Success (part 2)
As Christians, we know that our Heavenly Father wants the best for all of His children. He wants us to be successful in every area of our lives. And we must understand that success is not based on what we do (car...
Decisions for Godly Success (part 1)
Life can be hard. It’s full of twists, turns, and decisions that we have to make. The choices we make determine the course of our lives. The decisions we make not only affect us, but they affect those around us as well...
James: A Living Faith (part 11)
In chapter 5, James winds down his letter by showing us that the heart of God is open to every aspect of our Christian lives through prayer and praise. He concludes his letter with the message that Christian fellowship is a safety ...
James: A Living Faith (part 10)
In chapter 5 of our expository sermon series, James encourages Christians to be patient and strong in their faith as they wait for the Lord's coming. We will see our harvest!
James: A Living Faith (part 9)
A Living Faith cannot be achieved without a humble dependence on God. James cautions us against having an attitude of independence from our Creator. He also issues a challenge to every believer to live according to what we know in ...