The Connection Church
Welcome to the audio podcast of The Connection Church! Included are sermons by our lead pastor, TJ Hall, as well as others on our leadership teams and guest speakers. This podcast is a convenient way for you to catch up on a sermon that you missed, or to have another listen to be sure you got all that you need to grow in the grace, wisdom, and love of God in Jesus Christ. The Connection Church is a growing congregation meeting in the Northern Virginia area of Woodbridge. We are connecting with God, each other, and the community. Join us!
Podcasting since 2012 • 631 episodes
The Connection Church
Latest Episodes
Who Was and Is and Is to Come (part 3)
God was the coming Messiah in the Old Testament, our Savior and Redeemer today, and He will come again. The Lord will gloriously return one day. No matter your end-time beliefs, you should anticipate Him. But what does that mean for us? How sho...
Who Was and Is and Is to Come (part 2)
Why does it matter so much that God came to earth in the person of Jesus? When we dive into His character, we can see what God is like. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Join us as we look at the second part of our ser...
Who Was and Is and Is to Come (part 1)
The Bible is one big book of Advent. The word, Advent, has its roots in Latin and carries with it the meaning of “coming.” The story of the coming of Jesus doesn’t begin in the New Testament, and it doesn’t end with a baby in a manger...